shea cronin

Hello, World!

Welcome! I am a full-stack software developer with a passion for creating, collaborating, and continuous learning. Feel free to contact me via email or LinkedIn. You can check out some of my projects below or on my GitHub.

- Shea



Fancast screenshot

Full-stack web application for selecting actors to cast as characters from books. Utilizes external APIs for its book and actor data, and stores the users, characters, and their castings in its own PostgreSQL database managed by an ASP.NET Core API.


Bloggit screenshot

Users can view and leave comments on published blog posts and also manage and author their own blog posts, deciding when to publish them.


Checklist screenshot

Full-stack MERN application that allows users to log in and create a list of tasks that can be checked off and deleted.

Memory Card Game

Memory Card Game screenshot

A memory card game with a Degrassi theme. The user attempts to click on a unique character each round.


BattleBug screenshot

An insect-themed Battleship game that can be played against a computer or another human.



Shea with trees behind him

Shea is a Full-Stack Developer experienced with planning, building, debugging, and maintaining web applications.

He has worked as a contracted developer, improving existing applications with new features and creating applications from scratch. He also has experience mentoring other developers and loves to share knowledge and constantly learn from others around him.

Shea is based in Lancaster, PA and is a summa cum laude Honors graduate from Temple University. He discovered his passion for coding after graduating with a degree in film, excited by the art and logic of building applications from nothing, perfectly suited to his blended technical and creative background.

The Odin Project’s open-source curriculum helped Shea kickstart his journey as a self-taught software developer, diving into documentation and architecting projects to solidify his learnings. From there, he has brought those skills into professional settings, adaptable to both collaborative and autonomous environments as a team player and self-sufficient worker.

In his free time, Shea enjoys crafting, attending a local book club, and playing video games.